Application Deadlines by Semester
*Students interested in financial aid are encouraged to apply one month prior to these posted deadlines.
Before You Apply
Watch our application process video to learn what to expect and get tips from a Boise State Online student success coach. You can also call a student success coach today at (208) 426-5921 and we’ll walk you through the admissions process, answer questions and help you find a degree pathway that fits your unique goals.
This video is available with closed captions and a transcript.
To Apply for This Program
Step 1 – Apply to Boise State University
Submit the Boise State University Undergraduate Admission Application online.
- In the Semester and Major section of the application, indicate you are interested in taking courses “Entirely through online delivery.”
- If you have an AA, AS or no associate degree, select “Cyber Operations and Resilience: BS” in the Semester and Major section of the application.
- If you have an AAS or some technical credits, select “Cyber Operations and Resilience: BAS” in the Semester and Major section of the application.
Please note: You are required to meet with a student success coach before being admitted to the program.
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Contact our enrollment and student success team for support by emailing us at, calling (208) 426-5921 or clicking the chat button.