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Public Health Program designed to help you serve your community

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What is the Bachelor of Arts in Public Health?

Boise State Online’s Bachelor of Arts in Public Health (BAPH) program is for those looking for a career in serving their communities. The program focuses on public health equity and wellness. Students will develop essential skills that are applicable across a myriad of settings to promote the health and well-being of people, communities and populations. In the classroom, students will learn the basics of health administration services, health education and promotion and policies and laws that help promote healthy communities.

People passionate about serving others

After graduating, BAPH students will have the knowledge and resources they need to pursue their dreams. Meghan Howk,  a current BAPH student, described her desire to study public health, saying, “I wanted to work in a field that helps increase access to healthcare, work with underserved populations and advocates for communities. When I learned that the program was fully online, had seven-week classes and that I had access to a personal advisor, I felt so excited to try.” Now, as a student of Boise State’s online public health program, Howk is working towards everything she dreamed of.

Howk expects to graduate in a few years and plans to use her online public heath degree as the foundation for a master’s degree in Epidemiology. A degree in public health gives students the knowledge and resources to serve their communities in a wide variety of ways.

Ashley Rosenbaum graduated from Boise State in 2005 with her degree in public health. Since then, she’s made a name for herself as the first female fire captain in the department’s 143-year history. That’s what Boise State’s public health program is about — giving talented individuals the skills and opportunities to serve their communities.

A versatile degree

A degree in public health gives individuals an expansive list of possible professions to go into. Furthermore, as a result of the global coronavirus pandemic, public health employers are eager to see more public health candidates than ever.

Positions that past BAPH students have entered into include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Public administrator
  • Community outreach coordinator
  • Health officer
  • Public health emergency preparedness coordinator
  • Public health program specialist

Fire Captain Ashley Rosenbaum said, “there are just so many ways that you can use this degree; you just have to find something that you are passionate about and pursue that -whether it’s being a firefighter, first responder or working in a hospital.”

Start towards your degree today

Whether you want to work in fire services like Rosenbaum, use your degree as a basis for an epidemiology degree like Howk or something else entirely, talking to a program coach today is the first step towards earning your Online Bachelor of Arts in Public Health.

Learn More about the Bachelor of Arts in Public Health