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Imagining a Future with Imaging Sciences

Man standing near health imaging equipmentWhat is the Bachelor of Science in Imaging Sciences?

Boise State Onlineā€™s Bachelor of Science in Imaging Sciences (BSIS) program is designed for credentialed imaging practitioners who wish to advance their career potential by completing a bachelorā€™s degree. The fully online program aligns with the American Society of Radiologic Technology Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences Core Curriculum.

Your potential furthered

Earning your bachelorā€™s in imaging sciences can level up your career, allowing you to move into management positions, teach and go on to graduate or PA school. Boise State Onlineā€™s imaging sciences program enables professionals to advance their careers anywhere in the country, affordably. Christopher Booth, an alumnus of the program, said, ā€œI started looking for online radiology programs, and everybody was either so expensive or required you to be on campus. I found Boise, and with online students paying in-state tuition, it was an easy decision.ā€

Earning a degree in imaging sciences also provides an extra level of job security in a growing industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2026, job opportunities in the field of imaging sciences are expected to increase by 13%.

Student Success

Full-time parent and employee Dave LaGuardia of Portland, Oregon, like Booth, found success in the BSIS program. Working as a radiologic technologist while taking the full-time track, LaGuardia called his degree ā€œan experiment to see what I can do, and I am glad I did it.ā€ Thanks to the programā€™s flexible schedule, LaGuardia completed his degree while working as a full-time professional.

Students looking to get a head start on their BSIS degree can complete all prerequisite coursework in as few as 12 months with full-time enrollment.

Advancing your career is only clicks away

LaGuardia is just one student whose professional opportunities have expanded because of the program. ā€œTake the leap, and give it a shot; you might learn something about yourself in the process,ā€ LaGuardia said.

Boise Stateā€™s Bachelor of Imaging Sciences is here to expand your professional opportunities and connect you to professional networks. To learn more about the online imaging sciences program, contact us today.

Learn More about the Bachelor’s of Imaging Sciences