Our Student Success Coaches frequently get asked one question about the Master of Accountancy (MSA) online program: Is it worth it?
Completing your master’s degree in accounting can open new doors for your career. It can bring you one step closer to becoming a CPA and a variety of other finance and accounting-related careers. You will find yourself at the front of a growing industry with exciting careers in auditing, tax, forensic accounting and beyond and additional opportunities outside of traditional accounting occupations.
But going back to graduate school can be time-consuming, expensive and hard work.
To help address these concerns, Boise State offers their Master of Accountancy programs 100% online. Working professionals can take advantage of the flexibility and convenience of online learning to earn their MSA without having to quit their jobs.
Why Boise State Online?
The Boise State Online Accountancy Degree can be completed in as few as 12 months if enrolled full-time and 22 months if enrolled part-time. Students receive a first-class business education as they will learn from nationally recognized faculty who possess valuable industry experience and PhDs from top schools.
The primary role of the nationally-ranked Boise State Online MSA program is to prepare students for careers in public accounting as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) by focusing on the audit and attest functions of public accounting. The complexity of today’s business environment requires public accountants to have expertise in accounting principles and procedures and to understand the financial, managerial, legal and tax ramifications of business transactions. The MSA program at Boise State University is designed to prepare candidates for a career within the broader framework of business decision-making.
CPAs must also be able to clearly communicate with clients and affected third parties and with employees. Because of their financial expertise, CPAs frequently serve as advisors for a broad range of business decisions. Students in the online MSA develop their technical expertise and business knowledge needed to provide these services. Graduates of the program are expected to become partners and owners of their own public accounting firms.
Pursuing your MSA will also put you in contact with like-minded professionals who are similarly driven to remain relevant in the rapidly changing accounting industry.
Is It Worth It?
Accountants are no longer the number-crunchers working away in a dusty office at the back of the building. The accountants of today are decision and measurement experts – and masters of technology – who know more about the business than almost anyone.
And this leads us back to the original question: Is it worth it?
Pursuing an advanced degree in accounting gives financial professionals an opportunity to excel in an ever-changing industry. A master’s degree in accounting can also lead the way to enhanced job security, leadership positions and better pay.
If you’re interested in the rewarding career opportunities that an MSA degree from Boise State can offer, contact our Student Success Coaches.
Learn More About the MSA Program