Outgoing mail is picked up and delivered once per day on campus. Here’s how to send outgoing mail at Boise State:
- Type or print the return address in the upper left corner of the envelope:
Sender Name
Sender Return Address
Sender City, State Zip Code - If postage is required, type or print your department code directly underneath the return address:
Sender Name
Sender Return Address
Sender City, State Zip Code
Department Code - Type or print the sender information in the center of the envelope using the standard address format:
Recipient Name
Recipient Business Name
Recipient Street Address
Recipient City, State Zip - Place the envelope in your departmental mailbox or a campus drop box. Use the “Anytime” Campus Mail Drop Box located in Room 110 of the Administration Building to drop off University mail before 2:00 p.m. You can drop off personal mail here too as long as it has proper postage.
If you have questions about how to send interoffice mail, outgoing mail or packages, or bulk mail services at Boise State, visit the Mail Services website or call us at (208) 332-1950.