The New myBoiseState
The Office of Information Technology is proud to introduce a new, improved, and more sustainable version of myBoiseState that features new technology and faster platforms.
Why upgrade?
Much has changed since the most recent version of myBoiseState was implemented in 2015. In order to keep up with new web technology trends and university changes, myBoiseState needs a refresh.
A Better User Experience
Creating a better and more enjoyable experience for students, staff, and faculty is a primary goal for upgrading myBoiseState. We have assessed what features bring value and which ones don’t, and taken this opportunity to focus on improving the user experience across all devices with the new myBoiseState.
Utilize Cloud Offerings
We have become very proficient leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS). By updating our process, we can take advantage of all the tools available to allow us to deploy features faster and more frequently, creating a more reliable and resilient version of myBoiseState.
Better Security Practices
Bringing our technologies up-to-date will keep us better positioned to fend off potential cyber attacks. As technologies we use get older, they are more likely to lose support so it’s important to use modern platforms.
What's New
The new myBoiseState includes features such as notifications, announcements, campus news, calendars, and quick links all in one place. This new navigation menu creates a more intuitive way to organize and access tools and information for Boise State faculty, staff, and students.
Layout and Features
When designing the new layout, we worked with Boise State graphic design students and faculty to ensure the results of the new design would meets everyone’s needs. Rather than making educated guesses, we engaged directly with them to ask, “What would the most ideal version of myBoiseState look like to you? How would it function, what would it do?”
Home View
Our approach to the home view is to highlight the most important information about a student through a campus-wide and administrative lens.
One new feature to support this approach is a consolidated calendar that includes dates and deadlines from sources such as a student’s class schedule, Google calendar, Canvas calendar, and the Boise State academic calendar.
Student View
We made the administrative tasks of being a student easier at a particular course level, and reduced barriers for students to get help in a particular course.
Starting with the administrative information, if a student opts to connect their Canvas account to myBoiseState, students can easily see assignment due dates and announcements from the class instructor all in one view.
Faculty View
One of the main concerns for faculty was the difficulty of communicating with their students.
With the new myBoiseState, we made it easy for instructor to view class rosters, send out emails to their class, display office hours, and transfer grades from Canvas to PeopleSoft.
Try It Out!
For questions or feedback about the new myBoiseState, contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357 or email