University Policies
Mass email messages to Boise State students, faculty and staff must adhere to the following University policies:
Any individual sending mass email from a Boise State email account is personally responsible to follow state and federal laws and guidelines regarding junk mail and spam.
Student Email Messaging and Policy
All mass email messages to students must originate from the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, or must receive approval from that office prior to sending:
Communicating to Students (Student Affairs)
Students are responsible for reading all official University email messages, according to the Student E-Mail Communications Policy (2280).
Faculty and Staff Email Messaging
Mass email messages to faculty and staff may only be delivered with the express approval of the following:
- President
- Provost
- Vice Presidents
- Director, Communications and Marketing
- Director, Campus Security and Police Services
For questions or clarification about sending email messages to targeted or mass audiences, consult with the Office of Communications and Marketing.
Email Messaging Services
- Printing and Graphic Services provides fee-for-service delivery of targeted messages to large numbers of e-mail addresses.
- The Office of the Registrar provides a query request form to generate an email list for distributing mailings to a target student audience.
Need Assistance?
For more information, contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357,, chat, or Help Desk Self Service.