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Information security is a shared responsibility throughout our Boise State campus community.

The Office of Information Technology takes cybersecurity very seriously. Although we work tirelessly to ensure the safety of our network and data, you are our first line of defense!

How to Stay Vigilant


  • Verification — Always verify requests for sensitive information or actions before responding.
  • Check Sender Details — Carefully inspect the sender’s email address and domain to identify discrepancies or variations.
  • Do Not Share Personal Information — Avoid sharing personal or sensitive information through email, especially if it’s requested unexpectedly.
  • Avoid Clicking Links — Hover over links to preview a web address before clicking, especially if they appear unusual or unexpected. Type web addresses directly into the browser for critical websites rather than clicking on email links.
  • Caution with Attachments — Never download or open attachments from unknown or suspicious senders.
  • Urgent Requests — Be cautious of emails that create a sense of urgency or pressure to take immediate action.
  • Watch Out for Fraudulent Passcode Notifications — If you normally use push or text notifications to sign in and receive an unexpected notification, it’s most likely a phishing attempt.

Protect Data

  • Data Disposal — Follow proper data disposal procedures, including shredding physical documents and securely erasing electronic storage media.
  • Connect Securely — Connect to the university network through secure channels, such as Boise State VPN, when accessing data remotely.
  • Report Incidents — Promptly report any suspected data breaches or security incidents to the OIT Help Desk at (208) 426-4357 or email
  • Share Files Securely — Use secure and approved methods for sharing university files and documents.
  • Physical Security — Keep personal documents, identification, and sensitive materials in secure locations.
  • Data Classification — Understand the classification of university data and handle it accordingly.
  • Secure Printing — Ensure that printed university documents containing sensitive information are collected promptly and securely.


  • Never Share — Do not give your passwords out to others.
  • Use a Passphrase — Consider thinking of sequences of words that are memorable to you, but hard for others to guess, when setting your password.
  • Avoid Personal Information — Don’t use easily obtainable information, such as name, birthdate, or family names, in your passwords.
  • Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) — Enable 2FA whenever possible for added security (Boise State uses Duo). Use a secondary method (e.g., text message, app, hardware key) to verify your identity when logging in.
  • Beware of Phishing — Never share passwords through email or other unsecured channels. Be cautious of phishing attempts that try to trick you into revealing your passwords.

Information Security Program

Boise State’s Information Security Program is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  • Insure the security and confidentiality of customer information
  • Protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information
  • Protect against unauthorized access to or use of such information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to the University.
Learn more about Boise State's Information Security Program

Contact the Help Desk

Contact the Help Desk for assistance or guidance at (208) 426-4357 or email