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Number of Incidents by User Classification

Number of Incidents by User Classification Metric for January to June 2024

number of incidents by user classification metric from January to June 2024

About This Metric

This metric measures incidents per month as reported by different campus community audiences including students, staff, and faculty.

January 2024

  • Student incidents: 1,136
  • Staff incidents: 1,071
  • Faculty incidents: 779
  • Other: 658

February 2024

  • Student incidents: 786
  • Staff incidents: 948
  • Faculty incidents: 408
  • Other: 516

March 2024

  • Student incidents: 643
  • Staff incidents: 908
  • Faculty incidents: 327
  • Other: 502

April 2024

  • Student incidents: 766
  • Staff incidents: 999
  • Faculty incidents: 401
  • Other: 625

May 2024

  • Student incidents: 833
  • Staff incidents: 1,092
  • Faculty incidents: 437
  • Other: 534

June 2024

  • Student incidents: 637
  • Staff incidents: 936
  • Faculty incidents: 321
  • Other: 586

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