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Average Time to Resolve Incident

Average Time to Resolve Incident Metric for January to June 2024

average time to resolve incident metric from January to June 2024

About This Metric

The Average Time to Resolve Incident metric measures the average amount of time to resolve something that has broken.

This metric doesn’t necessarily indicate the time it took to fix interruptions or service issues but instead measures the time between the analyst or technician logging the incident and then confirming with the customer that that incident is resolved.

As we often don’t receive confirmation from customers that an incident is resolved until at least the next day, that time lag may impact the overall average duration.

January 2024

Average business duration: 25 hours, 55 minutes

February 2024

Average business duration: 25 hours, 13 minutes

March 2024

Average business duration: 26 hours, 45 minutes

April 2024

Average business duration: 30 hours, 39 minutes

May 2024

Average business duration: 20 hours, 2 minutes

June 2024

Average business duration: 15 hours, 30 minutes

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