Mail Stop | Department |
1000 | President’s Office |
1001 | Provost |
1002 | General Counsel Office |
1003 | Emeritus Guild |
1004 | Foundational Studies Program |
1005 | Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) |
1006 | Service Learning Center |
1007 | University Sponsorships |
1008 | CEB Support |
1010 | Association of Classified Employees |
1012 | CAES Energy Efficiency Rsr Inst |
1014 | Energy Policy Institute |
1020, 1021 | Athletics |
1022 | Stueckle Sky Center |
1025 | Athletics - Women |
1030 | University Advancement |
1035 | Alumni Relations |
1040 | Photographic Services |
1045 | Boise State Foundation |
1050 | Morrison Center |
1055 | Communications & Marketing, Office of |
1060 | Trademark Licensing |
1070 | College of Innovation and Design |
1075 | Human-Environment Systems |
1080 | Gimm Lab |
1110 | Graduate College Admin |
1120 | Extended Studies (Continuing Ed.), Center for Professional Development |
1121 | Extended Studies - After Work, BAS, MDS and Summer Programs |
1125 | Honors College |
1126 | University Dining / Chartwells Honors Kitchen/Southfork (Honors) |
1134 | Biomedical Research Vivarium |
1135 | Sponsored Programs, Office of |
1136 | Institutional Effectiveness |
1137 | Ben Victor Gallery |
1138 | Research Compliance, Office of |
1139 | Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES) |
1139 | EPSCoR |
1139 | Research & Econ Develop, Div of |
1140 | Venture College / Andrus Center |
1145 | Center For Global Engagement |
1150 | Advising and Academic Support |
1155 | Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship |
1200 | Finance and Admin |
1210 | Purchasing, P-Card |
1215 | Institutional Compliance |
1222 | Printing & Graphic Services; Sign Shop |
1223 | Student Involvement & Leadership Center |
1225 | Bronco Shop |
1230 | Boise State Ticket Office (Athletics), Bronco Sports |
1235 | Budget and Planning |
1240 | Internal Audit & Advisory Services |
1245 | Risk Management & Insurance |
1246 | Student Financial Services (Account Maintenance Center and the Payment & Disbursement Center) |
1247 | University Financial Services -Administrative Accounting -Controller's Office -Fixed Assets & Inventory Cntrl -Tax Reporting -Treasury |
1248 | University Financial Services -Accounts Payable -Office of Continuous Improvement -Travel Services |
1249 | Office of Information Technology: - Network |
1250 | Public Safety Admin |
1260 | Public Safety - Maintenance and Event Services |
1265 | Human Resource Services, Payroll |
1270 | Facilities Operations and Maintenance (FO&M) |
1275 | Capital Planning and Space Management |
1280 | Architectural & Engineering Services |
1285 | ExtraMile Arena |
1286 | University Dining / Chartwells Extra Mile Arena Concessions (Entrance #2 1530) |
1287 | Emergency Operations Center |
1288 | Fleet Shop and Motor Pool |
1289 | University Dining / Chartwells ILC (ILC 111) |
1290 | Transit Center - SUB |
1291 | Public Safety - Campus Security and Police |
1292 | University Dining / Chartwells Urban Coffee Fox and Boba (Multipurpose 1st Floor) |
1293 | University Dining / Chartwells (ALBR - Guru Donuts) |
1294 | University Dining / Chartwells UFC-Chick-Fil-A/Moes/Subway (SUB-D1144) |
1295 | University Dining / Chartwells Admin/Catering (SUB C2211) |
1296 | University Dining / Chartwells Jordan Servery C2132 |
1297 | University Dining / Chartwells Poppy Seed Bakery Cafe (Cobe 1213) |
1298 | University Dining / Chartwells Boise River Cafe Kitchen B1120 |
1299 | University Dining / Chartwells Stueckle Sky Center 106 |
1300 | Student Affairs, VP of |
1305 | Admissions |
1310 | Career Center |
1315 | Financial Aid |
1320 | Admissions |
1325 | Student Communications and Marketing |
1330 | University Dining / Chartwells Starbucks (SUB) |
1335 | - Student Union |
1340 | Student Media (Arbiter & University Pulse) |
1345 | Enrollment Services |
1350 | University Housing Business Office |
1351 | University Health Services, Counseling Center |
1352 | University Health Services, Wellness Services |
1355 / 1356 | University Housing & Residence Life |
1357 | University Housing Warehouse |
1360 | Chief Operating Office |
1365 | Registrar's Office |
1370 | Dean of Students |
1375 | Educational Access Center |
1380 | New Student Programs |
1385 | Children’s Center |
1390 | Veteran Services |
1395 | Campus Operations - Financial Services |
1405 | Office of Information Technology: - Classroom Support - Hardware |
1410 | Office of Information Technology: - CIO Office - Accounts - Cloud Services & Infrastructure - Governance, Risk and Compliance |
1412 | Office of Information Technology: - Business Services - Communications, Training and Web Support - Project Management Office |
1413 | Office of Information Technology: - Customer Care - Computer Labs |
1415 | Office of Information Technology: - Bus Intelligence Reporting Services - Development |
1416 | Office of Information Technology Research Computing |
1417 | Office of Information Technology Help Desk |
1430 | Albertsons Library |
1450 | Office of Information Technology Learning Technology Solutions |
1450 | Online Testing Center / Scantron Service |
1455 | PACS Center |
1500 | Arts & Sciences, College of |
1501 | School of the Arts |
1505 | Art-Printmaking |
1510 | Art Department |
1511 | Biomolecular Research Center |
1512 | Biomolecular Sciences |
1515 | Biological Sciences |
1516 | Raptor Research Center |
1517 | Snake River Plains Herbarium |
1520 | Chemistry Department |
1521 | Integrative Structural Biochemistry Lab (ISBL) |
1525 | English Department |
1526 | Intensive English Programs (IE) |
1527 | Linguistics Department |
1530 | World Languages |
1535 | Geosciences Department |
1536 | CGISS |
1540 | Arts and Humanities Institute |
1550 | Philosophy Department |
1555 | Mathematics |
1556 | Math Learning Center |
1560 | Music Department |
1561 | Marching Band |
1565 | Theatre Arts Department |
1566 | Film Program |
1570 | Physics Department |
1575 | Fine Arts - Capital Village |
1580 | Creative Writing |
1600 | Business & Economics, College of (COBE) |
1605 | Student Services/COBE |
1610 | Accountancy Department (academic) |
1615 | Information Technology & Supply Chain Management |
1620 | Economics Department |
1625 | Management Department |
1630 | Marketing, Department of |
1635 | Finance, Department of |
1640 | Idaho Council on Economic Education |
1645 | Career Services/COBE |
1650 | COBE MBA Graduate Program |
1655 | Idaho Small Business Development Center (ISBDC) |
1656 | Tech Help |
1700 | - Education, College of - TRIO Teacher Preparation Program |
1710 | Kinesiology |
1711 | Campus Recreation |
1712 | Cycle Learning Center |
1715 | Psychological Science |
1720 | McNair Program (CMEO) |
1721 | Counselor Education Department |
1742 | Center for School and Community Partnerships |
1745 | Teaching, Learning, and Community Engagement (TLCE) |
1746 | Teacher Education |
1747 | Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology (ELRT) |
1755 | TRiO Rising Scholars -CMEO |
1760 | High School Equivalency Program (HEP) |
1765 | College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) |
1770 | TRiO Educational Talent Search (CMEO) |
1771 | Veterans Upward Bound (CMEO) |
1772 | Trio DSSS (Trio Disabilities Student Support Services) |
1775 | TRiO Upward Bound (CMEO) |
1800 | College of Health Sciences-Admin |
1815 | Social Work, School of |
1820 | College of Health Sciences - Research |
1825 | Excellence for Environmental Health and Safety, Center for (CEEHS) |
1826 | Environmental Health, Safety & Sustainability |
1827 | EHSS Central Store |
1830 | Health Policy, Center for |
1835 | - Public Health Population Science - Center for Study of Aging |
1836 | School of Allied Health Sciences |
1837 | School of Public and Population Health |
1838 | Neuroscience Lab |
1840 | Nursing, School of |
1841 | SON Skills Lab |
1845 | Radiological Sciences |
1850 | Respiratory Care |
1855 | Public Health |
1860 | Idaho RADAR Center (COED) |
1900 | Public Service, School of |
1915/1916 | Boise State Public Radio (BSPR) |
1920 | Communication |
1920 | Media |
1925 | History |
1930 | Military Science |
1935 | Public Policy and Administration |
1935 | Political Science |
1939 | School of Public Service (SPS) Advising Center |
1940 | Social Work, School of |
1945 | Sociology Department |
1950 | Anthropology Department |
1955 | Criminal Justice Department |
1960 | Advising and Academic Support (AASC) |
2035 | Institute of Microelectronics Education and Research (MER) |
2045 | Construction Management Department (College of Engineering) |
2055 | Computer Science Department |
2060 | Civil Engineering Department (College of Engineering) |
2065 | Engineering, College of (Admin), Engineering Advising Center |
2070 | Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning (OPWL) |
2075 | Electrical Engineering (College of Engineering) |
2080 | Orthopaedic & Biomechanics Research, Center for (COBR) |
2085 | Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering |
2090 | Materials Science (College of Engineering) |
2095 | Distinguished Educator in Residence |
2100 | Engineering, Dean of |
3039 | Chaffee Hall |
3040 | Morrison Hall |
3041 | Towers Hall |
3042 | Driscoll Hall |
3043 | Keiser Hall |
3044 | Taylor Hall |
Additional Information
For more information, contact OIT Business Services at