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School of Nursing Undergraduate Programmatic Syllabus

Statement on Academic Integrity and Conduct

Students are expected to perform according to the standards of academic honesty and integrity as outlined in School of Nursing and Boise State University policies. Academic misconduct in any form may result in failure in the course and/or dismissal from the program and/or the university. See Boise State University School of Nursing website for definitions, policies, and grievance procedures.

To create a welcoming, engaging, and effective learning environment, the School of Nursing expects everyone to exhibit behavior that reflects Boise State’s Statement of Shared Values. The Shared Values emphasize academic excellence, caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, and trustworthiness. In keeping with these values, we expect students in this course to uphold the standards outlined in the Boise State University Student Code of Conduct.

Digital content-sharing

Students using websites that charge fees or require uploading of course materials to obtain exam solutions or assignments completed by themselves or others, and presenting the work as their own, is prohibited. Students should not upload, distribute, or otherwise share instructors’ course materials, exam questions, projects, or course activities, without written author permission. All course materials should be used for the student’s own learning purposes. Students found in violation of the syllabus statement may be subject to consequences that are issued for academic misconduct through the School of Nursing and the Dean of Students.

Boise State University Notice of Non-Discrimination

It is the policy of Boise State University to comply with all federal, state and local authorities requiring nondiscrimination, including but not limited to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Executive Orders 12898 (Environmental Justice) and 13166 (Limited English Proficiency). Boise State University is an equal opportunity employer.

Behavioral Norms and Professional Expectations

Faculty members in higher education have a unique responsibility to encourage debate and to promote intellectual inquiry. To do so, we must bring civility to discourse and respect to our conversations and encounters. Fostering a classroom environment conducive to student learning and evocative dialogue is critical. Therefore, co-creating classroom and clinical norms on the first day of class is essential in fostering a civil environment. This process instills in students a sense of ownership and commitment to a respectful academic environment. When norms are created and implemented, students and faculty are more likely to abide by them.

A critical component of successful learning is the mutual respect and the expectation for success that both teachers and students bring to their interactions, whether in a face-to-face or distance setting. As your instructor, I commit to creating a professional and respectful atmosphere in this course, where people may share experiences and ask questions in a safe and supportive environment. It is my expectation that we will follow similar norms in the classroom, in clinical field experience settings with agency personnel, with other students and faculty within our school, and in our interactions outside the course setting. Civil, respectful behavior is equally as important in our communications away from the real or virtual classroom, whether in a face-to-face discussion, an email, a voicemail, or on a social networking site. By setting norms and treating each other with respect and courtesy, we model the role of a professional nurse.

Student Support Services

The office of the Dean of Students has links to many services for students.


CARE stands for Campus Assessment Resource and Education and is an electronic referral system that promotes student success and retention. This web-based software enables faculty and staff to identify students who are having difficulties, connect them with campus services that can provide appropriate interventions, and receive feedback on actions taken.


BroncoAlert is a phone and text-based system allowing the university to proactively notify students, faculty and staff when an emergency is taking place on or near campus. BroncoAlert will only be used in critical situations, including weather emergencies, with potential to affect health or safety.

Students will automatically receive an e-mail in their BroncoMail account. Boise State University will only activate the system in the event of an immediate threat to safety, or in a serious emergency. All personal information submitted remains private. The phone and text-based system allows the university to notify students, faculty and staff when an emergency is taking place on or near campus.

Disabilities Statement

Students with disabilities needing accommodations to fully participate in this class should contact the Educational Access Center (EAC). All accommodations must be approved through the EAC prior to being implemented. To request accommodations, visit the EAC’s website, click on the link “New to the EAC?” at the bottom of the page, and fill out the Request for Services Form.

Net Etiquette

Discussions via Canvas is closed to anyone not enrolled in this course. All communication between students and faculty should remain professional and courteous. This is true of Canvas, email, and in-person communications. Language and grammar matter, so be careful how you phrase your communication. Simplicity and directness are helpful in getting your message across (directness does not mean rudeness or angry responses to either students or faculty). It is possible to receive a failing grade (‘F’) for the Class Participation portion of the course if rude and unseemly communications via any communication mode become an issue and are not corrected. Website on Net Etiquette.

Student Online Privacy

Information in electronic form is easily reproduced and easily distributed. For this reason, it is important that you review the guidelines and limitations regarding the use of email and other technologies for your course in Boise State University’s Student Online Privacy Notice.

University-wide Class Cancellation or University Closing

An official closing and/or cancellation of classes may occur due to severe weather conditions, non-functioning of university mechanical systems, or other unforeseen circumstances. The Boise State Provost makes the decision regarding university-wide class cancellation or university closing.

Students, faculty and staff are advised to refer to the Boise State University homepage or to the Office of Information Technology for updated information regarding campus closures or technology interruptions.

Canvas Learning Management System

The Canvas learning management system an open and reliable web-based software that allows institutions to manage digital learning, educators to create and present online learning materials and assess student learning, and students to engage in courses and receive feedback about skill development and learning achievement.

If you have never taken an online course in Canvas and/or need additional accessibility information and resources, please see detailed information at:

OIT Teaching and Learning Canvas Website


phone: (208) 426-4357 (7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. M-F, MST)

APA Requirements and Resources

It is the expectation of the undergraduate program that all academic assignments requiring the use of references, in-text citations, and direct quotes will use APA 7th edition protocol and rules for submitted work.
Faculty members will grade APA details based on their own unique assignment rubrics and this may vary between instructors.

Please utilize the APA toolkit as a resource. This kit is found within all Canvas courses under Module 0.

Attendance and Participation

Class attendance in the form of weekly reading and assignments is required. If a student cannot complete the weekly assignment, he/she must notify the instructor before the due date. If sending an email, request confirmation of receipt.

Active participation in classes using discussions is required. Students must show evidence of reading, application, and synthesis of course materials or outside resources (i.e. journals, websites, etc.). See discussion board rubric for grading guidelines. As program course offerings are online, you will be expected to log in to the course site several times a week. Please plan accordingly.

All written assignments must follow the APA 7th edition.

Late Assignment Policy

Assignments are due by the date indicated on the course calendar.  It is the student’s responsibility, in the event of an emergency or other extenuating circumstance, to contact faculty prior to the due date to discuss the options for completing assignments.

Late assignments without prior permission from the instructor

  • There will be a 10% grade deduction per day for all late assignment submissions for up to 3 days past the due date (i.e., 3 days late equates to a 30% deduction).
  • Assignments submitted four or more days after the due date will receive a grade of 0, at the discretion of the course faculty.
  • Official documentation of the emergency/extenuating circumstance may be requested by the course faculty.
  • Refer to the specific course syllabus, calendar and assignment criteria for any other pertinent guidelines that govern the submission of late assignments.

Communicable disease policy statement

Boise State is committed to protecting the overall health and safety of its university community, including protecting the safety of our in-person education experience. For its part, the university has developed a Communicable Disease Policy (Policy 9270) to outline Boise State’s response to communicable diseases that may significantly threaten the health and safety of the University community. The policy requires that anyone who contracts a communicable disease listed as reportable by the policy, must report it to Boise State’s Public Health Office. Please familiarize yourself with the full list of reportable diseases in the policy.

As students and faculty, our part of this work is to understand and adhere to the rules and strategies outlined in this policy. Contact Boise State Public Health at or (208) 426-2968 if you or another member of the Boise State university community have tested positive for, have symptoms of, or are
concerned about a potential exposure to someone who has tested positive for a reportable communicable disease. Boise State Public Health will connect individuals with appropriate guidance on isolation, testing, masking, etc. and initiate appropriate email notifications to faculty and supervisors indicating a temporary inability to conduct in-person campus activities.

You are encouraged to learn about other precautions you can take to keep yourself and your peers safe from communicable and other public health diseases; you can find the latest recommendations on the University’s Public Health Response website.

Artificial intelligence (AI) use in this course

In this course, I want to see your thoughts, understand your reasoning, and hear your voice. However, there are moments in this course where you might find it useful to use AI tools in support of your learning.

You may use generative AI tools for specified activities and assignments if their use supports, rather than undermines, your learning. While AI can help to advance your learning, its usefulness depends on the purpose of each activity or assignment. You will find guidelines for AI use in the instructions for each assignment; please read them very carefully, as these guidelines differ by assignment.

If you use ChatGPT, Bard, DALL-E, or other AI tools in support of your work in this course, cite any ideas, text, images, or other media generated by the tool using the instructions and format of the American Psychological Association (APA). When you use a tool in an assignment, include a brief, clear description of how you used it.
If you’re unsure of whether or when to use AI tools in this course, please reach out to me. I’m eager to learn about how we might use them in new ways to meaningfully advance your learning and prepare you for your future beyond Boise State.

AI and academic integrity

If you use generative AI, you must not let this tool replace your thinking and work. In fact, it’s your responsibility to ensure you are fully engaging in learning and submitting authentic work. Relying too much on AI, or not citing AI when you use its ideas or products, may constitute academic misconduct like cheating or plagiarism. To learn more about how to learn successfully and avoid academic misconduct behaviors, please review the Student Code of Conduct with special attention to Section 8: Procedures for Academic Misconduct.

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