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Requesting Program Option Change – (Policy GRAD-04)

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Effective Date

Spring 2015

Last Revision Date


Responsible Party

Graduate Program Faculty, Graduate Academic Advisor, and Graduate Students.

Scope and Audience

Students enrolled in the Graduate Program.

Additional Authority


1. Policy Purpose

Students may request the Graduate Governance Team consider a switch in the graduate program track-specialty area.

2. Policy Statement

  • The student must first verify that they meet the requirements specified within the admissions criteria of the desired program track.
  • The student will then meet with the Graduate Academic Advisor who will
    • Verify that the student meets the requirements specified within the admissions criteria of the desired program track.
    • Review with the student how a program track change impacts their plan of study.
    • Direct the student to submit a new written Personal Goal Statement, explaining the reason for the change and how it will help meet their career goals, an updated resume/CV, and a Program Change Request (PCR) form to the Graduate Academic Advisor by email.
  • The Graduate Academic Advisor will then forward these documents with the student’s original application, to the Graduate Governance Team for their review and decision.
  • Once the appropriate Graduate Governance Team has approved the program change request, the PCR form will be forwarded to the Graduate College by the Graduate Academic Advisor.
  • The student will be notified via email that the program change has been granted and should check their new degree requirements using their Academic Advisement Report (AAR).
  • Program option changes may be submitted at any time. However, to ensure accurate placement in summer intensives, requests for a program option change must be submitted by October 15 while enrolled in NURS DNP 535.

3. Forms

Program Change Request (PCR)

Related Information

BSU: None
CHS: None
SON: None

Last Review Date


Revision History

Spring 2015, July 2021, April 2022, July 2024