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Student Accommodations/Faculty Support (Policy SON-19)

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Effective Date

January 2024

Last Revision Date

January 2024

Responsible Party

Associate Divisional Dean/Divisional Dean
Student Accommodations Faculty Liaison (FL)
Pre-License Program Director
RN-BS Program Director
Clinical Placement Coordinator (CPC)
Student Services
Educational Access Center (EAC)
Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity

Scope and Audience

Students that require accommodations for a temporary or permanent disability, seeking admission or are currently enrolled in the Undergraduate/Pre-Licensure Nursing Program and the faculty that work within all school of nursing programs.

Additional Authority

This policy will align with mandates and guidelines from University Policy 2080.
Further guidance is obtained from University Policy 1060 and Policy 1065.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (Policy 1060)
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking (Policy 1065) 

1. Policy Purpose

The policy is used to help guide the admission process and program progression for students with temporary or permanent disabilities that require reasonable accommodations to ensure program success. The policy will also be used to help support and guide faculty who may be asked to implement accommodations for students in need. This policy will follow the mandates of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, n.d; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.).

2. Policy Statement

  1. Students with disabilities who seek support and resources throughout the undergraduate pre-license nursing program, may choose to contact the Educational Access Center (EAC). Contact information is found in the Related Information section, #7 of this policy. Disabilities may include temporary or permanent medical conditions.
  2. Students who are pregnant or have pregnancy related conditions, may choose to contact the Title IX office to receive support and resources. Students who may have experienced discrimination, harassment, other forms of violence, abuse, or stalking may also receive support from the Title IX office. Contact information is found in the Related Information section, #7 of this policy.
  3. If the student contacts the Faculty Liaison to receive guidance and support, the FL will first recommend that the student contacts the EAC and/or Title IX office. If needed, the FL will facilitate a collaborative meeting with the appropriate parties. The meeting will be an opportunity to collaborate and ensure support, resources, and reasonable accommodations are implemented per recommendations from the EAC and/or Title IX office.

B. Faculty Support to Implement Accommodations

  1. Faculty who work with students with disabilities or pregnancy related conditions, may receive accommodation notifications directly from the EAC and/or Title IX office. These accommodation notifications will be emailed to those faculty members that are working directly with the students who have contacted the EAC and/or Title IX office for support.
  2. If requested, the CPC and the FL will collaborate with the student and faculty team to ensure the accommodations per EAC and/or Title IX are implemented appropriately across the student’s program of study and clinical setting.
  3. If requested, the FL and CPC and Program Director may work directly with the EAC and Title IX to ensure that accommodations are reasonable and appropriate.
  4. The faculty member may not dispute or refuse or alter accommodation notifications from the EAC or Title IX office per the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
  5. If the faculty member is unsure about how to implement the reasonable accommodations, they should contact the FL for immediate support and direction.
  6. If the student is concerned that accommodation notifications from the formal EAC or Title IX office are not being followed, the student should contact the EAC or Title IX for support. This would follow guidelines from the University Policy 2080.

C. Core Clinical Judgment Standards for Admission and Program Progression

  1. The Core Clinical Judgment Standards for admission to the Undergraduate Pre-License Nursing Program and continued progression within the program for enrolled students, include the required areas of:
    1. Critical Thinking
    2. Interpersonal Skills
    3. Communication Skills
    4. Psychomotor Skills
    5. Assessment Skills
  2.  Please see the Core Clinical Judgment Standards document which outlines the requirements, standards, and examples. This document is found in the Forms section, #6, of this policy.

3. Forms

Undergraduate Pre-License Core Clinical Judgment Standards

Boise State University

Educational Access Center 

Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity

Equal Access for Students with Disabilities (Policy 2080) 

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (Policy 1060)

Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking (Policy 1065)

US Department of Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d). Section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973.

US Department of Justice

U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. (n.d).

Last Review Date

January 2024

Revision History

January 2024