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Veronica McDuffee, MSN, RN

Clinical Placement Coordinator, and Clinical Assistant Professor

Portrait of Veronica McDuffee

Veronica McDuffee began her career working for a Washington, D.C. based grassroots advocacy organization that focused on leveraging U.S. support for anti-poverty and health care initiatives around the world. While aiming to make a difference on a global scale, Veronica felt called to narrow her focus to her own community in the Treasure Valley. She then went on to pursue a career in nursing and graduated from Boise State University’s School of Nursing in 2018. During her undergraduate studies, Veronica worked closely with Dr. Gallegos to publish an EBP project in two peer-reviewed nursing journals, which helped foster her desire for further her education.

Upon graduating, Veronica began working in critical care and eventually transitioned to her current bedside position in a local cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU). One thing that she noted while working in direct patient care during the height of the pandemic was the high rate of nursing turnover and burnout, and the impact it was having on the nursing profession and overall health care system. These experiences fueled her graduate education focus and forced her to question how she could be a larger part of the solution to this growing problem. As she began her Masters of Science in Nursing program at Northwest Nazarene University, Veronica utilized her program in Leadership and Education to explore this question. Her masters project, titled “The Impact of Staffing Ratios on Nursing Turnover and Patient Outcomes,” revealed a complex yet substantial relationship between the health of nurses and their patients. This overall experience guided her towards understanding that she could best serve the nursing profession by helping students navigate their transition into practice and encouraging them to be change agents for the greater good.

She graduated from NNU in the spring of 2021 with honors and joined Boise State School of Nursing the following fall as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the pre-licensure program. Veronica brings her passion for connection and her love for the science and art of nursing as a professional practice to the coursework that she delivers. She continues to explore how she can make the greatest impact through scholarship endeavors surrounding nursing education, nursing culture, and a healthy workplace environment.

Contact Information

Office: Norco 316

Phone: 208-426-6141
