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Hull Family Scholarship for Nursing Excellence

The Hull family has a history of commitment to health and wellbeing in Idaho. Arlene Hull exemplified this commitment, living a life of service. Arlene was a Women’s and Children’s Alliance Ambassador, a tutor for the Learning Lab where she helped provide literacy education, and a Big Sister for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. When deciding how she could have a lasting impact, she connected with Boise State’s School of Nursing.

Meg and Arlene Hull
Megan and Arlene Hull

Arlene’s daughter, Megan Simenc, is a Bronco Nurse – she graduated with her BSN from Boise State in 2014. While on campus, Megan was a student in the Honors College and received multiple scholarships – resulting in her graduating debt-free. After graduating, she continued her studies, and is now a nurse practitioner here in Boise at the VA Medical Center.

Arlene and Megan both understood the importance of nursing education, and the impact scholarships can have in making that education financially possible. In Spring of 2023, after talking about it for years, Arlene and Megan established the Hull Family Scholarship for Nursing Excellence – with a purpose to support those who are dedicating themselves to careers of service: Bronco Nurses. 

When Arlene passed away last year, 60 families, including Arlene’s sister and dear friend, Jeanette Hood, collectively celebrated her lifetime of impact through donating to the fund in her memory. 

Meg and Arlene Hull wearing Ski gear in front of a snowy tree.

The Hull Family Scholarship for Nursing Excellence made its inaugural award this year! We are looking forward to the Hull family’s legacy of impact on nursing education and the community continuing to grow as the scholarship supports our outstanding students in perpetuity.