Cecile Evans, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, and Jean Anderson, DNP, RNP, ANP-BC, School of Nursing faculty, and Sarah Toevs, PhD, director of the Center for the Study of Aging and faculty in the Department of Community and Environmental Health, recently presented at the Idaho Health Care Association-Idaho Center for Assisted Living 46th Annual Convention, held July 31 through August 2 in Boise, Idaho.
Evans and Anderson delivered their invited lecture, “Promoting Quality of Life: Focus on Sleep, Pain, and Function,” which focused on assessment and evidence based care of elderly and cognitively impaired persons with issues related to sleep, pain, and function.
Toevs also made an invited presentation at the conference: “Alzheimer’s Disease: a Public Policy Priority for Idaho.” Dr. Toevs provided information on the disease process and current research and the work of the Idaho Alzheimer’s Planning Group (IAPG). IAPG, a project of the Center for the Study of Aging, has been tasked by the Idaho Legislature to develop a State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. The plan will be based on findings from a statewide needs assessment conducted by IAPG.