Suzan Kardong-Edgren, Jody DeMeyer Endowed Chair for Nursing, Kelley Connor, assistant professor for the School of Nursing, and Becky Bunderson, director of the College of Health Sciences Simulation Center, have recently become Certified Healthcare Simulation Educators.
The certification is a new credentialing program offered by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Kardong-Edgren, Connor and Bunderson are three of the first 185 healthcare simulation professionals certified.
Benefits of certification in healthcare simulation education accrue value to the individual, their organization and the community by:
- improving healthcare simulation education through the identification of best practices;
- strengthening patient safety efforts through support of simulation modalities;
- providing external validation of individual educator knowledge, skills, and abilities;
- strengthening organizational, community, and learner confidence in the quality of education;
- fostering a feedback loop between education and practice; and
- encouraging performance improvement and knowledge expansion of the individual educator.
Certification is a formal professional recognition of specialized knowledge, skills, abilities and accomplishments in simulation education. Certification:
- recognizes one’s commitment to continued professional development and lifelong learning.
- is a process that helps one reflect on one’s professional accomplishments and provides international recognition.
- meets the needs of employers, practitioners, and the public by identifying educators with specialized knowledge and skills in healthcare simulation education.