Betty Miller, MS, adjunct faculty coordinator for the RN-BS Online/Distance Completion Track, Darcy Anderson, RN, MS, remote special lecturer for the RN-BS Online/Distance Completion Track, and Mary Hereford, PhD, RN, CEN, associate professor for the School of Nursing, successfully completed training and certification at the QM Works! Great Northwest Regional Conference 2013, held in Vancouver Washington on April 25-26.
Quality Matters is a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. The conference provided opportunity for regional and international faculty, administrators and instructional designers to meet, share and learn best practice standards, research findings and instructional design principles to promote student learning and continuous quality improvement.
Gaining certification in “Applying the Quality Matters Rubric” enhances the RN-BS Online/Distance Completion Track’s initiative of enhancing best practices related to universal design in online programming. Miller, Anderson and Hereford will also participate in QM’s training and certification for Addressing Accessibility in May.