Throughout the fall 2012 term, Boise State University’s chapter of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) sponsored a diaper drive for a very worthy cause – the Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center Family Center’s Culturally Appropriate Resources and Education (CARE) Maternal and Child Health Program.
SNA supported the CARE Maternal and Child Health Program by sponsoring a diaper drive among the students and faculty at the School of Nursing. A representative group of the SNA board delivered 15 packages of diapers to the CARE Clinic and Health Advisors on Dec. 4.
Families are able to purchase diapers and other useful baby supplies through a system of earned educational points and shop in the onsite store for baby supplies.
Project Director Judith Hobbs, RN, BSN, states “disposable diapers are a popular commodity for our refugee families.”
The CARE program, an extension of the maternal services for adult female members of the refugee community, provides healthcare services for newborns and infants. Nursing students in the Child and Family Clinical course may opt to attend a clinical day providing nursing care for infants.