Becky Bunderson, director of the College of Health Sciences Simulation Center, and Barb Allerton, associate professor in the School of Nursing, spent two weeks in China at Hangzhou Normal University. They were invited to China to work with the Hangzhou School of Nursing on integrating simulation into their curriculum. Allerton provided guest lectures in two community health classes, focusing on family assessment. In addition, the Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities was also re-negotiated as the original five year agreement was about to expire.
Bunderson and Allerton provided formal lectures on simulation and demonstrated facilitation of four actual simulations with nursing faculty and students participating. The goal was to introduce the faculty to simulation as a teaching tool and demonstrate our process for facilitating simulations here at Boise State. Bunderson spent time helping them understand how to use their human patient simulator as the technology was new to them and also how to setup their simulation room and control room to better facilitate learning. Allerton and Bunderson stressed the importance of using simulation as teaching methodology that would help their students self reflect and promote critical thinking.

Eight nursing students from Hangzhou Normal University joined School of Nursing classes in February and March. Six senior baccalaureate joined Nursing Leadership and Community and Public Health courses in order to learn how community health and leadership are taught and practiced in the US. Two graduate students joined a variety of nursing classes with goals to learn how nursing is taught in the US including the use of simulation in nursing education. In addition, the graduate students worked on their masters’ thesis proposals. The faculty and students warmly welcomed the Hangzhou students in classes, professional and social activities. Boise State School of Nursing hosted the graduate students at the Idaho Nurse Educators Conference in Twin Falls and all of the students attended the Northwest Nazarene University Simulation Expo in March. The students enjoyed inner tubing at Bogus Basin, attending a Boise State basketball game and participating in several Student Nurses Association meetings. This ongoing exchange has helped to expand the global world view of the Hangzhou and Boise State students and faculty. The Boise State School of Nursing looks forward to more opportunities to send faculty and students to Hangzhou as well as hosting Hangzhou students and faculty in the future.
Summary of Collaboration with Hangzhou Normal University Nursing College
- 2003—Barb Allerton provides consultation on Curriculum Design, hosted by Hangzhou.
- 2005—Team Hangzhou: B. Allerton, N. Otterness, M. Black, T. Reyburn—provide consultation
on teaching, learning and nursing curriculum. Hosted by Hangzhou. - 2006—Zhang Pei Sheng, President, Jiang Xiu Fang, Vice President, Wu Ya Jun and Cao Mei
Juan, Faculty hosted by Boise State School of Nursing. Toured Boise State, observed classes
and clinical courses, community health presentation with Director of Central District Health
Department, Idaho Nurses Association president and students for health care community. Began
development of MOU. Tours in St. Alphonsus, St. Lukes and VA Medical Centers and primary
care centers. June 2006—Memorandum of Understanding signed in Hangzhou with Dr. Girvan
and Dr. Springer. - 2007—N. Otterness and B. Allerton provide teaching and curriculum consultation focused on
community health nursing for the nursing faculty at Hangzhou. - 2008—Developed collaborative research project on incivility in nursing education, involving
Dr. C. Clark, N. Otterness, M. Black, B. Allerton, four senior Boise State nursing students and
Dean Fu Wei, Vice Dean Cao Mei Juan, and Wu Ya Jun (faculty) at Hangzhou. Fall 2008: senior
nursing students assist with data management as part of leadership course. October, 2008, B.
Allerton and senior nursing student traveled to Hangzhou for data collection. - 2009—Qualitative data analysis and writing the manuscript ongoing. Boise State hosts two
nursing faculty from Hangzhou for two months. They observe in nursing theory and clinical
classes, attend faculty meetings. Research presentation on Incivility in Nursing Education in
China by Dr. Clark and B.Allerton at Sigma Theta Tau International Research Conference in
Vancouver, BC, Canada. - 2010—Short term study abroad experience for 13 senior nursing students and three faculty. Four
leadership students join P. Strohfus in Beijing for presentation of a paper, then present their
project on teaching immunization principles for staff to students and faculty at Hangzhou. Eight
community health students and one faculty tour health facilities, observe in community health
clinics and present a talk on community health nursing in the US for students and faculty at
Hangzhou. Collaborative research article published:
Clark, C.M., Otterness, N.S., Wu, Y. J., Allerton, B. W., Cao, M.J., Black, M., Fu,W. (2010)
Descriptive study of student incivility in the People’s Republic of China. Journal
of Cultural Diversity. 17.4. 136-143. - 2011—Two graduate and one senior baccalaureate nursing student from Hangzhou hosted at
Boise State. They attended community health classes and clinical and several other classes. Their
goals were to learn how community health nursing is practiced and is taught in the US. They
toured hospitals, long term care facilities, and community health sites. The graduate students
worked on their master’s projects. One student collaborated with Dr. Toevs in the COHS
studying health services for the elderly. - 2012—Two graduate nursing students and six senior baccalaureate nursing students from
Hangzhou hosted at Boise State. They are attending leadership and community health theory and
clinical classes. They will tour health facilities, and the graduate students are working on their
master’s projects. - Future—Second incivility article to be published June 2012. Hope to conduct study abroad
experience to Hanghzou in Spring/Summer 2013. One Hangzhou student is applying to the
Masters in Nursing program at Boise State.