Congratulations to Pamela Strohfus, who completed her Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) at Rush University in fall 2011. This doctorate specializes in leadership, evidence based systems redesign, and change management in various clinical, organizational, and educational systems. Strohfus’ project is titled “Safe Immunization Delivery: Enhanced Knowledge and Improved Practice.” Over the last eight years, Strohfus’ practice focus has been threefold: one, insure effective vaccine delivery, two, influence immunization policy changes in Idaho, and three, increase immunization rates in Idaho (currently 50th in the nation in immunization coverage). Grant funding from the Regence Foundation and the Jeker Trust Fund has enabled Strohfus and Central District Health Department (CDHD) to provide education and training to select medical offices in District 4 in order to improve immunization rates in southwest Idaho. Early results from this study are looking very promising.
Dr. Strohfus currently serves on the Board of the Idaho Immunization Coalition and the Immunization Advisory Board at CDHD.