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How to complete your next steps?

We are glad to have you in the RN-BS BroncoNurse family! Following are some quick links that will help with your next steps, whether it is enrollment, class registration, or even graduation.

New Student Resources

Accessing Academic Advising Report (AAR)

Admission Issues

Change Your Start Date

If you need to change your start date because of a conflicting priority, incoming students may move their admission forward or backward to a new semester. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Only one semester switch per application will be allowed, unless returning to the original semester of admission. Students may request to move their admission forward more than one semester, but additional requirements may apply. You will need to complete a semester switch form at the university level or Boise State will discontinue you as a student.

Semester Switch Form

Where to Send Transcripts

Official transcripts are required to complete your application. You have two options to send your official transcripts to Boise State University Admissions.

Where to Send Transcripts

Apply for Graduation

The application deadline is the end of the first week of the semester you intend to graduate (see the Academic Calendar for the exact date). A late fee will be applied after the application deadline of $20.00 for undergraduate degrees, undergraduate certificates, and graduate certificates, and $25.00 for Master’s/Doctoral candidates. The last day to apply for graduation with a late fee is the last day of classroom instruction. Please note, you must pay the graduation fee within 24 hours of applying or the application will not go through.

How to Apply for Graduation 

Complete the Student Financial Agreement

Follow the step-by-step guide to complete the agreement. This will remove the hold in your myBoiseState account so you can register for classes. You must complete the Financial Agreement before registering each semester. Find the agreement in the “Tasks” tile of your myBoiseState Student Center.

Student Financial Agreement Instructions 

Check out the RN-BS BroncoNurse Student Handbook

If you are curious about our history, curriculum framework, course descriptions, or policies for our RN-BS Online Completion Track, check out the student handbook which contains useful and informative details on our RN-BS track.

View the RN-BS Student Handbook

Get Organized – Time Management is Key

Time management skills are crucial for students in online courses. Now is the time to think through your schedule and consider the time commitment.

A part-time schedule requires approximately 20-25 hours per week of work and a full-time schedule requires approximately 40 hours per week of work. Please consider these hours when making a decision about class load.

After you review more information about time management, let your advisor know if you have any questions about your class schedule.

Read About Time Management for Online Students

Get the Support You Need

At Boise State, our nursing advisors provide expert guidance when it comes to designing your schedule, managing your class-load, and creating your own unique success plan. We work to support our students so you can balance work, family, friends, and school. Are you dual-enrolled in an associate’s program, and our bachelor’s program? Are you working full-time as a nurse? Are you a parent or family caretaker? Fill out this quick form, and our advisors will reach out to help develop your unique success plan..

Let Us Help You

Graduation Verification Letter Request

Complete this form to request a verification letter that indicates you are eligible to graduate. This letter can be required by immigration or future employers. Graduation Verification Letter Request

Information on Changing Major

If you are looking to change your major, Boise State allows you to change or add majors on MyBoiseState. You must have at least one active major at all times. If you have only one major and try to submit that change without adding your new major, you will receive an error message. This means, you have to drop the current major and add the new major before clicking ‘submit’.

How to Change Your Major

Make a Payment

Make a Payment

Check Your Payment History

Make a Plan to Pay for Your Classes

The following items do not apply to everyone. Read on to find out if you need to complete these tasks.

Payment Plan

The fee payment is available for students to enroll in each semester. The plan breaks your fees into three monthly payments over the course of the semester. This plan must be set up before the fee payment deadline.

Financial Aid

If you are planning to use Financial Aid (federal loans, grants or scholarships) to pay for school, please complete the FAFSA as soon as possible! Double check that you’re filling out the correct year for the semester you are attending.

Submit your FAFSA

If you have submitted your FAFSA, take care of any To-Do items listed on your myBoiseState account in order for your FAFSA to be processed.

Complete Financial Aid To-Do Items

How to Apply for Aid Details

Apply for Federal Aid

Consortium Agreements

Military Benefits

If you’re a military student using Tuition Assistance (TA) benefits, it is crucial that you contact Laura Porter at as soon as possible.

If you are using any other type of military benefit, please contact Veteran Services as soon as possible to get started on your paperwork.

Contact Veteran Services

Pull an Unofficial Transcript

Purchase Textbooks

Your textbooks will be listed with The Bronco Shop each semester and will be available for purchase before the semester starts. Purchase your textbooks before classes start so that you’re prepared to participate on the first day.

Find Your Textbooks at The Bronco Shop

Register/Drop Classes

Register for Classes

Register for your first semester of classes as soon as possible. It’s important to register for all of the courses you and your advisor discussed, even if they are taken in two separate sessions during the semester.

Registering as soon as possible is important especially if you plan to use financial aid. The Boise State Financial Aid Office will disburse aid based on the total number of credits you’re enrolled in for the semester, (1st and 2nd 7-week sessions combined).

How to Register for Classes

Drop a Class

You may drop regular session classes from your schedule on myBoiseState through the tenth week of the semester (see the Academic Calendar for the exact deadline). If you drop a regular session class before the 10th day of the semester, the class will not appear on your transcript. However, if you drop a regular session class after the 10th day, your transcript will show a grade of W (for withdrawal) for that class. Grades of W will not be used in GPA calculation (see Withdrawals for the maximum number of grades of W you can accrue).

How to Drop a Class

Swap a Class

Enrollment swap is a feature that allows students to exchange two courses without requiring the procedure of dropping one course in order to add another.

How to Swap a Class

Review Important Dates and Deadlines

The Boise State Academic Calendar covers everything from the first day of class to graduation dates. Make sure you are viewing dates in the appropriate session for the classes you’re enrolled in (for example, the regular session versus the 2nd 7-week session).

Boise State Academic Calendar 

Update Email Signature

We have a lot of students in our programs in the School of Nursing.  Our Advising team would absolutely love to be able to help you in a timely and efficient manner! So we are asking you to make sure you include your student ID in every email you send to us.

I know this can be difficult to remember so I am sharing with you an easy way to make sure you can do that and not even have to think about it! You can put that student ID number right in your Bronco Mail Signature line!

How to Update your Email Signature

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