Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eligibility requirements for admission to the RN-BS program?
Admission requirements include: admission to Boise State University, and one of the following: an active, unencumbered RN license -or- current enrollment in an associate degree RN program. The online RN-BS admission process differs from the on-campus prelicensure admissions process.
Do I need an RN license to apply to the program?
No. You can apply to the program and begin taking some courses prior to sitting for the NCLEX. However, you will need to pass the NCLEX before enrolling in any courses that require the RN-license.
View curriculum for pre-licensure vs. license-required courses
Can I take RN-BS courses while I am still completing my ADN?
Yes. If you are currently enrolled in an associate degree program, you can dual-enroll in some RN-BS courses and concurrently work on both degrees. These courses may also be taken while you prepare for the NCLEX; however, you will need to pass the NCLEX before enrolling in any of the courses that require an RN license.
Will I be expected to come to the Boise State campus at any time while completing the RN-BS track?
No. While you are always welcome to visit, the RN-BS Completion Track is a 100% online nursing program. There is no time when you are required to be on the Boise State campus.
Students are welcome to attend the School of Nursing convocation and University graduation ceremonies on campus, but attendance is not required.
What is the cost of the program?
The average cost to complete the RN-BS Completion Track is approximately $12,120. This includes distance education fees, books, application fees, and fees for prior learning credits. There is one tuition rate for all students (no out-of-state tuition).
Are scholarships or financial aid available?
Federal financial aid is available to eligible students enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits per semester.
Visit for more information
Students who are dual enrolled at any Idaho public college are eligible to receive financial aid at Boise State University.
Students who are dual enrolled at other institutions are not eligible for financial aid if they are enrolled in two separate institutions in the same semester.
What are the technology requirements for this program?
- A reliable computer with internet access – please refer to Boise State’s OIT for recommended technical specifications
- Microsoft Word and PowerPoint – free to actively enrolled students
- A device that can capture images and video, either a camera, tablet, or phone
- Additional requirements for specific courses may be communicated by your instructor
How long does it take to complete the RN-BS program?
The RN-BS program is designed so that you can create a schedule that works for you. On average, RN-BS students enroll in 6 credits per semester (1-3 classes) and complete the program in 18 months by attending year-round. For students who dual enroll or who desire an accelerated schedule, the program can be completed in less time. There is no penalty for not completing the program within a prescribed time; if you prefer a slower pace, you can enroll in one class at a time or take summers off. Your advisor can help you build a flexible program of study with your desired graduation date in mind.
Are there any prerequisites?
Yes. A 3-credit undergraduate statistics course must be taken during your first semester or prior to enrolling in the RN-BS program. For your convenience, we offer an online 3-credit hour undergraduate statistics course, NURS-RN 280, Introduction to Statistical Methods; however, students may elect to transfer in a prior statistics course.
What are the requirements for clinical hours?
There are no “traditional” clinical hours required to complete the program. You will take two experiential learning project courses that allow you to put concepts you are learning into practice. One project is population-health oriented and the other is leadership-focused.
When do classes start?
Fall semester typically begins in late August, spring semester begins in early January and summer semester starts in early May. There are some flexible courses that vary in length and begin later in the semester. For exact start dates by term, please see the Boise State academic calendar.
How many classes should I take in a semester?
Each student chooses how many credits to take each semester based upon a careful evaluation of personal and/or professional commitments. On average, students who are working full-time take 6 credits per semester (1-3 classes). We encourage students to talk with their advisor to determine the length of study that best meets their individual needs and schedules.
How many credits are required to graduate?
You will need a total of 120 credits to earn a bachelor’s degree from Boise State. Credits can be earned through a combination of transfer credits, credits for prior learning and a minimum of 30 credits earned from the RN-BS curriculum at Boise State, plus any other general education courses required for graduation.
Will I need to take any non-nursing general education courses?
If you graduate(d) with an Associate of Science or Associate of Art degree
No. If you graduate(d) with an Associate of Science or Associate of Art degree from a regionally accredited school, you will meet Boise State’s general education requirements and will not need to take any non-nursing general education courses.
If you graduate(d) with an Associate of Applied Science degree
If you graduate(d) with an Associate of Applied Science or you are a Diploma Nurse, contact an RN-BS advisor for a preliminary evaluation of the credits that will transfer and a list of any general education courses required for graduation. Call 208-426-1722 or send your unofficial transcript(s) to
Some of my general education courses are old; will these credits be accepted by Boise State?
Yes. There is no expiration date for your general education/prerequisite courses. We recommend that applicants consult with one of the RN BS advisors to review your transcript and determine which courses will be accepted for transfer.
How can I get my transcript evaluated?
Call (208) 426-1722 or send your unofficial transcript(s) to An advisor will provide you with a preliminary evaluation of the credits that will transfer and a list of any general education courses required for graduation. Unofficial transcripts are reviewed for no charge, and there is no obligation to apply or enroll.