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Resources for Preceptors

Required Form for New Preceptors

If you are a new preceptor, the School of Nursing requires the submission of a curriculum vitae and various credential, licensure, schedule, and patient load/acuity information.

Student Evaluation Tool

Boise State uses Typhon Group’s Nurse Practitioner Student Tracking (NPST) System, an internet-based system to evaluate student’s clinical competencies at the conclusion of each clinical rotation. Before you begin your first rotation, Typhon login information will be sent to you via email.

Program Feedback

In addition to completing student evaluations, Typhon has a tool for submitting a program survey on Boise State’s nurse practitioner program. We also encourage you to contact us with your questions and your feedback about the program is appreciated and valued.

Strategies & Development Tools for Preceptors

Boise State is committed to providing students with high quality, supportive clinical experiences. We encourage all preceptors to continuously develop their teaching, precepting, and evaluation skills.

Preceptor Benefits

Preceptor Incentive Grant

To support the healthcare workforce and increase the number of preceptorships across the state, the WDC, in partnership with the Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation, offers a Preceptor Incentive Grant. Grants will award Idaho’s preceptors up to $1,000 per student.

Please reach out to Elaine Zabriskie ( on the WDC’s staff if you have any questions. The following list contains a few of the eligibility requirements:

  • Eligible job roles include preceptorships for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and prescribing/clinical psychologists
  • Employers may receive up to $1,000 per student precepted to reimburse training costs associated with structured internal training, including preceptor wages, reasonable travel costs and materials
  • Employers will disburse funds to eligible preceptors

To learn more visit: Grant Opportunities – Idaho Workforce Development Council []