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NURS 333 Nursing in Health and Illness I Clinical

NURS 333: Nursing in Health and Illness I Lab

Required For: Nursing BS Students

Course Description: Clinical application of nursing concepts, therapeutic nursing interventions, and clinical judgment in various health settings. Incorporates knowledge and skills from concurrent and prior courses.

NURS 333 Student Feedback Form

Course Objectives

  1. Apply the nursing process and clinical judgment in planning and implementing basic interventions for select adult clients.
  2. Demonstrate standards of professional nursing practice, therapeutic communication, and patient-centered care.
  3. Assess client learning and discharge needs and employ strategies to promote health and a safe environment.
  4. Coordinate care delivery with an interprofessional healthcare team.
  5. Apply ethical and legal concepts to the care of adult clients in multiple care settings.
  6. Develop organization and independence in the performance of nursing care for 50% of typical patient load by the end of the Nursing in Health and Illness I clinical rotation.

Clinical Competencies

What the students should be doing during clinical experiences:

  • Practice learned assessment skills and by the end of semester confidently perform and document Head to Toe assessment in a variety of adult patients.
  • Begin to use assessment information to develop a plan of care with a basis in critical thinking.
  • Use safe patient care skills such as bathing, skin care, elimination assistance and ambulation assistance.
  • Begin to recognize signs of decline and how to respond.
  • Utilize critical thinking and begin to anticipate a patient’s needs at discharge. Become familiar with routines and services available at discharge. Observe discharge instructions by their RN Preceptor and by the end of semester demonstrate the ability to initiate some patient’s discharge teaching with supervision of their preceptor.
  • Become familiar with tools of communicating with other providers and colleagues to promote best outcomes for their patients.
  • Maintain a professional appearance, behavior and communication while in clinical rotation.
  • Utilize therapeutic, non-judgmental communications skills when caring with all patients. Students are expected to leave their biases at the door when caring for all patients.
  • Students are expected to read their patient’s chart and complete an assignment post-clinical that demonstrates their understanding of their patient’s illness, treatments and plan. Students are expected to acknowledge mistakes and be open to feedback.
  • Students are expected to recognize and consider that care must be individualized to their patient: Culture, ethnicity, gender and age all should be incorporated into a plan of care.

The Student may not:

  • Be accountable for fetal or telemetry monitoring and interpretation
  • Co-sign anything that requires nurse signature (blood, medication administration, wastage, admissions, etc.)
  • Witness or sign a consent document of any kind
  • Hang blood independently
  • Independently pass medication, mobilize using lift equipment, any other skills that require nursing license (they can do these things assisted by licensed RN)
  • Independently receive a telephone or verbal physician order
  • Independently sign out medications from Pyxis, Omnicell, or similar dispensing system