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Frequently Asked Questions

Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions/degree requirements/admission standards/program learning outcomes/etc. are published on the Undergraduate Catalog site.

FAQs about the BSN program

What happens to students who are not admitted to the nursing program?

Students can reapply as many times as they want, there is no penalty. Kelsey Nelson, from Boise State Career Services, is available to meet with students that want to explore other health studies majors, and students can also meet with someone from AASC- they will advise on a broader spectrum. Advisors and students will create backup plans should students not get into the program. Below are a few alternative options for students who did not get admitted into the nursing program:

Lewis-Clark State College Nursing Program

We are happy to announce a very special opportunity between the School of Nursing at Boise State and the Nursing & Health Sciences Division of Lewis-Clark State College. With the permission of our applicants, we will forward the contact information to students who are qualified but not accepted to the School of Nursing to LCSC. LCSC nursing applications are submitted online at Contact information is NOT sufficient for application.  Interested students should follow up with LCSC for additional details at

Dual Enrollment in Associate Degree Nursing Program and Online RN-BS Completion Track

One option for students not admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is to seek admission to an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program. Boise State has agreements with all Idaho community colleges that allow ADN nursing students to dual enroll in the online RN-BS program at Boise State. This option allows students to work simultaneously toward an ADN and a bachelor of science nursing degree. Learn more about RN-BS Dual Enrollment.

Accelerated Degree Programs

An alternative path to complete a nursing degree is to complete a degree in another major, and then apply to an accelerated bachelor’s degree nursing program. Boise State does not offer this option, but a 12-month accelerated program is available at Idaho State University. View ISU Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.

How many students are admitted? How many students apply?

The program admits 100 students in the fall and 100 students in the spring.  The number of applicants averages 220 per admit cycle.

What is the average GPA of an admitted candidate?

The School of Nursing mostly looks at admission GPA (Chem, Nutrition, two semesters of Anatomy, and Statistics): needs to be above a 3.0 in order to apply. Excessive repeats of these courses may also impact your acceptance. Applicant’s cumulative college GPA needs to be above 2.5.

What is your completion rate?

The average completion rate is consistently above 90%, which is above the national average.

How long is the program?

The program is five semesters with summers off, or about 2.5 years.

I have transfer credits coming in from a different university, how will I know if they transfer?

Please take a look at our Transfer Equivalency System (TES). This will help you decipher which classes will transfer into Boise State. If you need further clarification, please contact a pre-nursing advisor.

Does the program include summers?

No, but students can use summers to work on minors or to study abroad. (25-33% of nursing majors work on minors, but not all finish them).

When should I apply to the program? To Boise State?

If you plan to start in the spring, then you should apply to Boise State in the previous fall. If you plan to start in the fall, then you should apply to Boise State in the previous spring. Once you have been admitted to Boise State, completed all of the pre-requisites, and are in courses that may be in progress upon applying, then you will apply to the program. Please see the program application deadlines.

What impacts application acceptance?

Grades and the interview portion have the biggest impact on the application. Preference is given to students currently enrolled at Boise State and Idaho residents.

Will it help to have a CNA or other vo-tech assistive care credential?

While having these credentials will not directly impact your application, the experience gained from these areas may be helpful when answering interview questions.

Who will be my advisor?

Pre-nursing students are advised through the College of Health Science Advising Office. Once admitted to the Nursing program you will be assigned a nursing program advisor. 

Can a person who earns a nursing degree practice in a different state?

Possibly, it depends on the License Portability laws in that state.

I would like to specialize, can I do that?

No. This is a general degree that wants to get you licensed and employed.

How can I gain residency?

Look at the packet of information you were given by your regional recruiter. Contact Josh Wilkins (  Residency is driven by employment, domicile, and tax information. Here is general information on Idaho Residency.

What is FERPA?

FERPA does not permit the advisor from discussing a student’s information with anyone besides the student. We are not able to discuss grades in front of the student’s parents. What we can do is talk in hypotheticals and leave any and all real grades out of the conversation. Or we can get a form that waives the right.

What if I am not 100% sure that I am interested in being a nurse?

We recommend finding an opportunity to talk with or observe other nurses to see if nursing is the right fit for you.

We have a non-resident scholarship. Will being a Health Studies major (or other major) negatively impact admission to the program?

If you plan to start in the spring, then you should apply to Boise State in the previous fall. If you plan to start in the fall, then you should apply to Boise State in the previous spring. Once you have been admitted to Boise State, completed all of the pre-requisites, and are in courses that may be in progress upon applying, then you will apply to the program. Please see the program application deadlines.

Additional Questions?

If we were unable to answer your questions on this page, please feel free to reach out to our pre-nursing advisors.

Contact our Advisors
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