Eric Lindquist and recent MPA graduate, Frances Lippitt, co-authored a paper for the International Journal of Wildland Fire: “Use and benefits from NASA’s RECOVER for post-fire decision support.”
The paper has been published initially for the Online Early Edition. Co-authors include William Toombs, Keith Weber and Tesa Stegner from Idaho State University, and John L. Schnase with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The research is supported through a NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium award and NASA Earth Science Applied Sciences program’s Wildland Fires program award. The research focuses on understanding the socio-economic benefits from post fire decision support systems. The results of the study illustrate that RECOVER’s decision support capabilities provided information to land managers that either validated or altered their decisions on post-fire treatments estimated at over $1.2 million and saved nearly 800 hours of staff time by streamlining data collection as well as communication with local stakeholders and partnering agencies.