Janet Miller, an administrative assistant in Extended Studies, will be retiring after 43 years at Boise State. A reception in her honor will be held from 3-5 p.m. on July 20 at the Ron and Linda Yanke Research Park, Room 510.
In 1980, Miller started her career in the university’s Department of Continuing Education/Summer Sessions/Evening Programs, which was the predecessor to today’s Division of Extended Studies. During her tenure, this area of the university grew from 12 staff to over 170, fueled by the expansion of online education, concurrent enrollment and other programs that extend educational access beyond traditional boundaries.
“Janet Miller’s hard work and dedication over the past four decades is part of the reason that Extended Studies and Boise State have seen such amazing growth,” said Mark Wheeler, dean of Extended Studies. “She helped weave the fabric that is today’s Boise State University.”