The Blue Galleries, on the first floor of the Center for the Visual Arts, is now featuring “Soothsayer Serenades” — a collaboration of five invited regional or local artists on a project by Amrita Hepi, an award winning First Nations dancer and choreographer from Bundjulung, Australia, and Ngapuhi, New Zealand, territories.
The collaborating artists have created playlists of songs and sounds based on a prompt from Hepi. Anyone can participate in the project by listening and moving. New Spotify playlists will be posted at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays through Oct. 19 on the Blue Galleries Facebook and Instagram pages.
The playlist for Wednesday, Sept. 21 is from Gretchen Jude, an experimental performer, award winning composer and scholar of audio media and sound studies.
The Blue Galleries presents “Soothsayer Serenade” as part of the current “Notes for Tomorrow” traveling exhibition organized and produced by Independent Curators International. Graphic design by Nadia Hernandez.