In addition to the thousands of new students joining Boise State this fall either in person or remotely, the university has welcomed a number of new faculty and staff members. Each year, Albertsons Library creates a gallery of new faculty hires, complete with bios and photos. The library’s gallery for the 2020-21 school year is available here. Below you’ll find a small sample of the new faces you might seen on campus or your next Zoom meeting. Be sure to say hello.
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Teagen M. Nabity-Grover is an assistant professor in the Department of Information Technology and Supply Chain Management. Her current research interests are in online self-disclosure, particularly how individuals interact and nurture relationships in online environments; she is also interested in corporate use of social media and information systems education. She is a member of the Association for Information Systems and an alumna of the PhD Project’s Information Systems Doctoral Student Association, where she served three years on the conference planning committee.
Nafees Alam is a social work professor specializing in nonprofit program evaluation and macro practice, in which he has over seven years of experience. Before academia, he worked on Wall Street’s financial sector for more than seven years. Alam’s research agenda is geared toward social work in sports and sports in social work, including clinical intervention, macro practice, program evaluation and policy development with a focus on student mentorship and quantitative research on diversity, inclusion, and empowerment of the underprivileged, aligning with his experience as a semi-professional football player.
Elisabeth Shook is the head of scholarly communications and data management for Albertsons Library. She oversees the development of Boise State University’s ScholarWorks services and assists in the development of the university’s data management resources. Shook earned a master’s degree in library and information studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a bachelor’s degree in history from Sterling College. Prior to Boise State, Elisabeth was the Librarian for copyright and scholarly communications at Vanderbilt University.
Kevin R. Roche is an assistant professor with the Department of Civil Engineering. He earned his doctorate in environmental engineering from Northwestern University and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Purdue University. Roche’s research interests involve experimental observations and modeling of reactive transport in rivers, as well as modeling of hydrologic variability at the watershed scale.
Christopher E. Courtheyn is an assistant professor with the School of Public Service. He earned a doctorate in geography from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a bachelor’s degree in Latin American Studies from the University of California at Berkeley. Courtheyn is a political geographer with a regional specialization in Latin America. His research interests include peace and conflict, globalization and development, race and ethnicity, and urban studies, to name a few.
Leonora S. Bittleston is an assistant professor with the Department of Biological Sciences. She earned a doctorate in organismic and evolutionary biology from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in molecular environmental biology from the University of California, Berkeley. Before joining Boise State, she was a James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellow in Complex Systems with Otto Cordero at MIT. Bittleston studies microbial ecology and is fascinated by the complex interactions that form between very different kinds of organisms. She aims to learn more about life on our planet, taking into account the interconnectedness of ecosystem processes, communities and species.