To celebrate the International Day of the Basque Language, Euskararen Eguna, which takes place every Dec. 3, the Basque studies program in Boise State’s Department of World Languages organized several activities open to the public.
Various departments and organizations, both local and international, supported the events: Boise State University College of Arts and Sciences; the Boise State Department of World Languages; Boise State history and English departments; the Global Studies program at Boise State; the Idaho Film Collection; the Etxepare Basque Institute; the Basque Museum and Cultural Center; The Basque Market; Epi’s Basque Restaurant; and the Euzkaldunak Basque Center.
Activities included a screening of the Basque film “The Accordionist’s Son” (Soinujolearen Semea) based on a novel by Bernardo Atxaga about a young man becoming increasingly aware of the long shadow cast by the Spanish Civil War. The well-attended screening included a discussion and question and answer session.
The Basque studies program also hosted an opening for the “Basque Places of Idaho” photo contest. Its goal was to analyze Idaho’s landscape through new perspectives and raise awareness of Basque sites in Idaho by creating a cultural bridge between communities. Winning photos are on display until Dec. 15 at the Fine Arts Gallery in the Student Union Building.