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Apply for Idaho Science and Technology Policy Fellowship

The Idaho Science and Technology Policy Fellowship will be welcoming its sixth cohort in August. There are less than two weeks left to apply for this opportunity for outstanding scientists, social scientists and engineers to learn firsthand about policymaking while using their knowledge and skills to address pressing challenges facing Idaho. This year, fellows will have the opportunity to support decision makers in Idaho, serving in yearlong assignments in Idaho’s Legislative Services Office. Portfolios include topics such as water, energy, fire, public health, economic development and more.

A doctoral level science or social science degree (e.g., PhD. ScD, MD, DDS, DVM) or a master’s in engineering and three years of work experience is required. Fellows are provided with compensation, benefits, orientation, professional development, mentorship, a travel allowance and administrative support. 

For more information about this opportunity and how to apply, visit the fellowship’s websiteapplication or follow its LinkedIn page. Questions can be directed to

Applications are due by Sunday, March 30, 2025, and the fellowship year begins in late August 2025.

The ISTPF is a collaborative effort among Boise State University, Idaho State University and University of Idaho, and is led by the University of Idaho’s McClure Center for Public Policy Research.