Albertsons Library is offering a trial of Academic Writer, an institution-wide American Psychological Association style writing platform that aligns with the latest edition of the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.” This tool can support students and faculty in conducting research, structuring papers and formatting their writing.
Features include:
- The learning center offers quick guides, tutorials, knowledge checks and samples that can be used for independent learning or in course curriculum.
- The reference center provides templates for proper formatting of citations, regularly updated forms for emerging reference types, and options to store and tag a collection of references.
- The writing center provides a structured and collaborative writing environment that features templated support for scholarly writing for disciplines in the behavioral and social sciences. Contextual APA Style guidance is provided.
Access Academic Writer
The Academic Writer trial is available from March 14 to May 13. Follow the Academic Writer user checklist to get started.
Send feedback on this resource to Kristi Schirrmacher at