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Humanities and Cultural Studies alum publishes in Writing for Change Journal

The Writing for Change Journal is proud to present a new collection highlighting a cohesive body of work by Cora Lee Oxley, Boise State’s first graduate in Humanities and Cultural Studies, called “Truth in Untruth: Practices of Myth-Making.” In this collection, Oxley moves in and out of personal and literary essays, visual art and poetry. She introduces this work through a personal conversation with good friends, centered on the following guiding questions:

  • How can we be good stewards of myth?
  • What are we to do with myth-making systems that disrupt, rather than benefit, our shared bodies of wisdom and connection?
  • What myths serve us and which don’t? How can we know and agree upon the difference?

Organized through the Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies, the Writing for Change Journal works with writers, editors, artists and other content creators across campus and throughout the greater Boise area to produce ongoing and thematic collections centered on change. The journal facilitates opportunities for student collaboration through the writing, revising and publishing process. It also offers student internships. The Journal frequently collaborates with area organizations.