The 2024 SL/VIP Fall Expo held at Boise State included participation from across the university’s departments and colleges. This was the first time that the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship – the home offices of these two programs – collaborated intentionally to recognize student and faculty efforts and bring higher visibility to both projects. Although distinct in structure and processes, Service-Learning and Vertically Integrated Projects (commonly referred to as VIPs) are both experiential learning, credit-based offerings at Boise State.
Students displayed over 75 posters, showcasing their work tackling a diverse range of challenges including Alzheimer’s disease, foothills restoration, horticulture therapy and robotic systems. In addition to posters, artwork and prototype displays, visitors were able to interact more closely with the projects.
Attendees included Boise State undergraduate and graduate students, administrators, faculty and staff, community partners, friends and family. The students commented on the ability to share their work and practice communication skills, and the visitors enjoyed seeing and learning about a diverse collection of impactful projects.
Donna Llewellyn, Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship executive director, remarked, “It was exciting to see the result of the collaboration between our two programs and to feel the energy in the room. I look forward to what the future brings!”
Center for Teaching and Learning Executive Director Dan Sanford noted, “It’s thrilling to see not only all of the ways that Boise State is connected to the community it serves, but also how powerful the learning is that comes out of those connections.”
Learn more about Boise State Service-Learning and Boise State VIPs.