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Attend retirement plan workshops in June

Human Resources and Workforce Strategy offers in-person and online workshops to help employees prepare for their future. Boise State’s retirement coordinator will guide employees through a variety of options and benefits in an easy-to-follow presentation, including a review of mandatory retirement plans and how to determine deferral amounts for voluntary supplemental retirement accounts. Spouses and partners are welcome to attend.

Several retirement planning workshops are scheduled for June.

June 4: Retirement planning for PERSI members

This workshop is recommended for anyone that is enrolled in PERSI and is 55 years of age or older and considering retirement within the next three years. Register for this in-person PERSI workshop.

June 6: Retirement planning for optional retirement plan members

This workshop is recommended for anyone enrolled in the optional retirement plan (ORP) through TIAA or Corebridge Financial and is 55 years of age or older and considering retirement within the next three years. Register for this in-person ORP workshop.

June 11: Medicare and Senior Health Insurance Benefit Advisors (SHIBA)

This workshop covers how Medicare A and B plans work, as well as explains the different Medicare supplement, advantage and gap plans and is recommended for employees who are considering retirement and are turning 65 years of age or older, and/or have a spouse that is turning 65 years of age or older. Register for this in-person SHIBA workshop.

June 13: Vested in PERSI

This workshop is for any employee who is vested in PERSI to learn about a general overview of the PERSI benefits. Register for this in-person vested in PERSI workshop.

Additional PERSI workshops

New employees to PERSI are able to join a PERSI new member orientation that offers a 20-minute introduction to the features, advantages and benefits of PERSI membership. There are multiple workshops available in June, July and August. Register for an online PERSI overview.

For more information about retirement planning, contact