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2024 Osher Faculty Grant Award recipients announced

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Boise State recently announced the 2024 Osher Faculty Grant Award recipients

  • Daniel Fologea, Department of Physics, “Rapid Quantification of Cardiac Biomarkers”
  • Konrad Meister, Department of Chemistry, “Bringing 3D Molecules to Life”
  • Jeremy Ford and Kathleen Conley, both of Department of Early and Special Education, “Strengthening Community With Shared Meals”

Established in 2011 by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Advisory Council and funded entirely by Osher members, the Osher Faculty Grant has awarded over $217,256 to fund Boise State faculty research projects. The grant supports Boise State faculty research and raises awareness of the Institute within the university. Annual member contributions to the Osher Excellence Fund make these grants possible.