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Branham, Sorrells and Whipple present at student affairs conference

Three Office of BroncoFit employees presented at the NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education conference. Boise State’s Office of BroncoFit is dedicated to student and employee wellness.

Photo portrait of Elizabeth Branham
Elizabeth Branham, Health Educator for BroncoFit

Elizabeth Branham, a health educator with BroncoFit, presented “Leveraging Peer Education Experience into Public Health Careers.” Her presentation discussed how working as a peer educator can provide unique experiences and skills that help students succeed in the job market after graduation. Her presentation included a panel discussion with four former peer educators where they shared their experiences in both peer education and their careers after college.

Photo portrait of Kenzie Sorrells
Kenzie Sorrells, Director of BroncoFit

Kenzie Sorrells, the director of BroncoFit, also presented on peer educator programs in “Designing Success: Elevating Peer Educator Programs through Strategic Job Design.” She discussed how these programs can continue to grow through effective job design.

By using the job characteristics model, her presentation reworked certain roles and responsibilities, how to boost motivation, increasing job satisfaction, and general effectiveness of the program. Sorrells encouraged her audience to “Join us as we delve into how strategic job design empowers universities to elevate their peer educators’ performance and impact.”

Photo portrait of Laci Whipple
Laci Whipple, Body Image Intern for BroncoFit

Laci Whipple, a body image intern for BroncoFit, presented “The Importance of Eating Disorder Prevention and Body Image Programming on Campus,” discussing how Boise State is working on implementing the “be body positive” model and the current research surrounding it. This model intends to create a weight-neutral and health-centered approach for self care on campus, empowering students to eat, exercise, and live appropriately for their individual lifestyle needs.