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Tobiason presents on countering systemic racism

Anders Tobiason recently participated on a juried panel, “Countering Systemic Racism Through Antiracist Theory and Practice” at the Association for Library and Information Science Education annual conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tobiason is an assistant professor and multimedia development and user experience librarian at Boise State’s Albertsons Library.

The panel was made up of authors of the recently released volume “Antiracist Library and Information Science: Racial Justice and Community.” Tobiason’s chapter is entitled “Engaging Antiracist Conversations: Foregrounding Twitter Feeds in Library Guides as a Way to Critically Promote Discussions of Racial Justice.”

In his chapter, Tobiason discusses “how adding Twitter feeds to library guides can engage libraries (and our students) in critical conversations around racism and the foregrounding of traditionally marginalized voices.” In his presentation, Tobiason elaborated on the idea that all information resources provide a social context, and that it is crucial to the antiracist project to include those voices – voices that have been traditionally left out of the conversation, he said.