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Cycle Learning Center announces revamped bicycle commuter club

The Cycle Learning Center is evolving its 10k Commuter Club into the Bicycle Commuter Club. The new club will utilize the Share the Ride Idaho platform for logging and tracking miles. The goals of migrating to a new system are to provide increased ease of use for participants and the Cycle Learning Center, as well as integration with other community events like May in Motion and Ridetober which utilize the same platform.

While previous 10k Commuter Club participants will start with zero miles on the Share the Ride Idaho platform (unless they are an existing user), the Cycle Learning Center will keep members’ 10K club mile log for historical value. Participants are asked to e-mail the Cycle Learning Center with their current milage to redeem any tune-ups or other perks accumulated.

How to join the Bicycle Commuter Club on Share the Ride Idaho

  • Create your account on the Share the Ride Idaho website.
  • Find transportation choices on the Share the Ride Idaho website by clicking on “Plan a Trip.” Find a commute option that works best for you.
  • Start logging your sustainable commute trips.
  • Use the app if you like.
  • Reap the benefits of your rewards.

Those who already have an existing Share the Ride Idaho account can connect with the Bicycle Commuter Club network by:

  • Log into Share the Ride Idaho
  • Click on your profile and select “Edit Profile”
  • Select “My Networks” on the menu
  • Find “BSU Bicycle Commuter Club”
  • You may stay connected to the network “Boise State University” as well

To receive benefits participants are required to log commutes on Share the Ride Idaho. The full list of current benefits includes:

  • For every 1,000 miles spent commuting on your bike, you can receive a free basic tune-up at the CLC
  • Gain access to shower and locker use at the Kinesiology Annex
  • Seasonal deals and discounts at the CLC
  • Parking codes each year in the Lincoln and Brady Garages for bad weather days. 6 days: Free. An additional 5 days: 75% off. Parking codes unlock once you have logged 10+ rides on Share the Ride Idaho
  • Prizes from Share the Ride Idaho