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Attend a retirement planning workshop in October

Human resources offers a variety of online retirement workshops to help employees prepare for their future. Boise State’s retirement coordinator will guide employees through a variety of options and benefits in these easy-to-follow presentations. Spouses/partners are welcome to attend any of the workshops.

Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI) member retirement workshop

This workshop on Oct. 11 covers PERSI guidance, health insurance, sick leave and vacation conversion, life insurance, and emeritus status. This is designed for anyone 55 years of age or older and enrolled in the PERSI retirement plan.
Register for this PERSI online workshop

Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) member retirement workshop

This workshop on Oct. 17 covers ORP guidance, health insurance, sick and vacation conversation, life insurance and emeritus status. This is designed for anyone 55 years or older and enrolled in the ORP retirement plan.
Register for this ORP online workshop

Senior Health Insurance Benefit Advisors (SHIBA) Medicare workshop

This workshop on Oct. 19 covers how Medicare A and B plans work, as well as explaining the different Medicare Supplement, Advantage and Gap Plans. This is designed for employees and/or spouses/partners considering retirement or turning 65 years of age or older. SHIBA’s certified Medicare counselors offer free, unbiased and confidential assistance to anyone with Medicare and their caregivers. For more information, visit SHIBA’s website.
Register for this SHIBA online workshop

For more information about retirement planning, contact