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Applications open for Inclusive STEM Teaching Project faculty learning community

This fall, faculty and instructors in STEM disciplines will again have the opportunity to participate in the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project: a six-week Massive Open Online Course offered Oct. 16-Dec. 1 through EdX. The course is funded by the National Science Foundation and is “designed to advance the awareness, self-efficacy, and the ability of faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students to cultivate inclusive STEM learning environments for all their students and to develop themselves as reflective, inclusive practitioners.”

In addition to the online course, the Center for Teaching and Learning will offer a weekly faculty learning community to discuss the course and reflect on its implications for classes and curricula at Boise State. A $300 stipend for participation in the project, funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Inclusive Excellence 3 Learning Community, is available for the first ten Boise State educators who sign up. Instructors who complete course and participate in the learning community (meeting Mondays at 10. a.m. Oct. 16 through Nov. 27) will receive the stipend. Faculty, adjunct faculty and graduate instructors who have not already completed the course are all welcome to apply.

Those interested in participating can complete the application form by Friday, Oct. 6.