The Office of Information Technology is pleased to announce the availability of Webex softphones as a new campus-wide phone option to meet the needs of Boise State’s changing workforce.
Softphones can answer calls, perform call transfers, set up adhoc conference calls and access voicemail messages just like a deskphone. Softphones also allow personal management of call settings, call forwarding, video calling, sending and receiving messages, sharing content for group collaboration, and customizing notifications.
The primary difference is that a softphone exists as an application on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone instead of being tied to a device on a desk.
Softphones have been piloted to great success in Financial Aid, the College of Business and Economics, Office of Information Technology, Career Services, Facilities Operations and Maintenance, and other areas. Departments and programs involved in the pilot reviewed telephone use cases and identified where softphones made the most sense for individuals and budget.
Individuals, departments and areas may order softphones today. Visit the Office of Information Technology’s website for more information, or contact the Help Desk at (208) 426-4357 or helpdesk@boisestate.edu to get started.