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University Affairs compliance structure update

The Division of University Affairs announced a restructuring of their compliance office. University compliance functions have historically been under the Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics but will now be separated into two distinct offices – the Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity and the Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics. This move will streamline processes, provide additional services and support to the community, and ensure the university is meeting its policy, regulatory and statutory obligations.

Danielle Berish serves as the director of the Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity and retains the Title IX Coordinator designation. Her office receives and investigates all reports of protected class harassment and discrimination (including Title IX), university policy violations, and reports of fraud, waste, and abuse. In cases of fraud, waste, or abuse, the office will work closely with the state’s internal audit unit.

The Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity serves in a critical role for the university, providing individualized support and resources — including university-based no contact orders, work adjustments, class/schedule changes, academic accommodations, safety planning, referrals for free counseling, parking and housing relocations, help navigating university processes and referrals to community resources like the Women’s and Children’s Alliance and Faces of Hope — for students, faculty, and staff who experience harassment or discrimination based on a protected class. Additionally, the unit has added a Support and Resource Coordinator to meet the campus community’s needs.

Annie Hightower serves as the director of the Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics. This office coordinates compliance oversight, monitoring and reporting at the institutional level, including enhancing coordination, efficiency and effectiveness of compliance activities, managing the university policy process and conflicts of interest and commitment, monitoring the minors on campus program, assessing and mitigating risks of non-compliance including monetary fines, reputational risk and loss of public trust, and promoting a culture of accountability and integrity. Hightower also serves as the university’s Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator.

Directors Berish and Hightower report to Alicia Estey, vice president for University Affairs. Both offices are located in the University Plaza building, Suite 250 on Broadway Ave. Free two-hour visitor parking is available at the front of the building.