Chris Johnson joins Boise State as the associate vice president for budget and planning in University Financial Services. Johnson brings over 15 years of budget management experience to the role which oversees the Office of Budget and Planning. In this position, he will redesign the budget process and implement systems to support strategic budget management and forecasting.

Johnson is excited about the budget approach Boise State is taking, he said, and he looks forward to improving and expanding Bronco Budget 2.0, as well as forecasting and budgeting with an emphasis on the needs of the different colleges and divisions. His approach to customer service aims to to build partnerships with student-facing and staff-facing departments.
“If anyone ever has a concern or wants to talk or meet with me, I have an open door policy and I want people to reach out and share concerns,” he said. “We really want customer feedback so we can program that into our planning in the future.”
Johnson previously served as chief financial officer for the College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences at Washington State University, managing a budget of over $200 million.