The Portuguese newspaper Público interviewed Ross E. Burkhart, professor of political science in the School of Public Service. The June 9 article “Papel de Trump no ataque ao Capitólio explicado em horário nobre, sem transmissão na Fox News” translates to “Trump’s Role in Capitol Attack Explained in Prime Time, Not Broadcast on Fox News.”
In the article, Burkhart discusses the parallels between the Watergate public hearings and the 1/6 Commission public hearings, Donald Trump’s friendship with Richard Nixon and the differences in congressional composition from 50 years ago and today’s Congress, which has far fewer moderates and far less bipartisanship which leads to a more partisan interpretation of the hearings.
Burkhart also discusses the implications of Fox News not broadcasting the first hearing live, and what it might take to change the minds of Republicans about the events of Jan. 6.