The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management recently hosted their annual Campus Awards ceremony to recognize students, faculty, staff, and student organizations for outstanding achievement, service, and campus engagement.

The following people and organizations were recognized:
Commitment to Community
- Award winner: Alexa Roitman
- This award is for Broncos who have inspired action in one another to serve and bring about positive change together.
David S. Taylor Service to Students
- Award winner: Jo Ann Fenner, Senior Manager of Marketing, Outreach, and Advising with the Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning program
- This award recognizes an outstanding faculty or staff member who is committed to impacting the lives of students; extending student learning beyond the classroom; inspiring students to see what is possible; and seeking innovative ways to serve students in the 21st century, a whole new chapter of accelerated change.
Outstanding Student Employee of the Year
- Award winner: Kimberly Van Maren, Service-Learning department
- This award is for Broncos who approach their employment as paths to make themselves and our institution better. Student nominees exemplify strong leadership skills, professionalism and a willingness to grow and learn.
Emerging Leader
- Award winner: Sayre Peterson
- This award is for students who are charting intentional paths where they learn what it means to lead. They show a commitment to personal leadership development and are dedicated to student involvement and learning outside the classroom.
Inclusive Excellence Awards
- Award winners: Ally Orr and Donald Winiecki
- These awards are for a student, staff, or faculty member who are action-oriented, equity-minded, and committed to creating a campus environment that reflects inclusive excellence at Boise State.
Student Organization Advisor of the Year
- Award winner: Andrea Orozco, advisor to the Organizacion Estudiantes Latio-Americanos
- This award is for an advisor dedicated to changing the lives of students involved in student organizations. Outstanding advisors serve as mentors, resources, teachers and advocates on behalf of their students.
Program of the Year
- Award winner: Rocktober Climbing Festival and Women’s Climbing Nights, Campus Recreation Climbing Gym Student Staff
- This award is for students who have created an activity, event, or program that made a significant impact on the campus community.
Spirit of Boise State Awards
- Award winners: Blake Hunter, Braelyn Whitelock, Chi Nguyen, Shaylin Stephens
- This award is presented to outstanding students who exemplify the Boise State University Shared Values of academic excellence, caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.