Arthur Scarritt and Micheal Kreiter, of the Department of Sociology, and five undergraduate students from the department’s Intermountain Social Research Lab presented their work at the Pacific Sociological Association Annual Conference in Sacramento, California. The faculty and students will again present at 1 p.m. on May 6, 2022 at the Boise State Centennial Amphitheater.
- “I’m Part of the Dominant Group, so What do I Care?: How Racism Erodes Higher Education” – Arthur Scarritt, Kate Weis and Tara Dodd.
- “Critical Thinking and Emancipatory Potentials” – Carter Jones.
- “Where’s The Punishment? How Higher Education Incarcerates the Formerly Incarcerated” – Kathryn Russell.
- “Institutional Grooming: How the Neoliberal University Normalizes Gender Based Violence” – Elizabeth Berendts.
- “There Will Be No Reconciliation: How Tensions in Colorblind Ideology Mainstream White Supremacy” – Michael Kreiter.
- “The Indigeneity of African Americans and the Globality of Racial Domination” – Arthur Scarritt.