Shikhar Sarin and Trina Sego, both professors in the Department of Marketing, coauthored an article for Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TF&SC), a leading international journal that publishes major advances related to technological forecasting and future studies.
Their article, “Co-citation, bibliographic coupling and leading authors, institutions and countries in the 50 years of Technological Forecasting and Social Change,” suggest that authors and publications originating in the U.S. and the Netherlands are particularly influential. However, the journal is becoming more geographically diverse. Mapping of co-citations and bibliographic coupling suggests that work published in TF&SC is represented by several heterogeneous clusters.

The journal was launched in 1969 and in 2019 celebrated its 50th anniversary. To celebrate 50 years of outstanding contributions, Sarin and Sego’s study presents a bibliometric analysis of TF&SC publications and patterns of citations within the journal in terms of authors, institutions and countries.
Other authors of the article are Alicia Mas-Tur, Norat Roig-Tierno, Christophe Haon, Mustapha Belkhouja, Alan Porterf and Jose M. Merigo.